Thursday, March 2, 2017

Fear & Control

Ive recently went to A regal movie theatre and had a chance to watch the movie GET OUT , of which under a horror plot stands to examine social inequalities within the United States this is a summary of the said movie i would appreciate any and all input to form a discussion forum on solutions and also to hear individual theories on the message behind the movie.

Fear & Control
"Its never about justice its about a dollar its a business and America already knows that. As long as the Government makes money it will not stop."

Why has America become so hostile to its children? Daily we watch news and events of unarmed children being killed by police officers or unfair criminal detention processes and an ongoing witch hunt for law abiding members of our society who only immigrate to give their families refuge and an economic chance. The country that was so founded on immigration and equal rights now shows us another face. As the citizens within are forced to dwell in a dark hole while the political machine dictates and makes our decision for us through us leaving us powerless and without control.


                The movie features a young African American man whom travels with his Caucasian girlfriend to " Visit her parents" However unknown to him he will be taken in for the plot twits of a lifetime. Unknowingly become a target for a twisted neuro surgeon and pyscotic pyschologist. He finds himself in what can only be described as the next generation genome expiriments. Where literally the family of the girlfriend auction off young black males with desirable traits to their white counterparts in order for them to switch bodies through brain transplants and take over the black host. 



                      The movie looks at the long hidden stigma that even though it seems white America is racist in structure it still seeks to and has been built upon slave labor and a system of fear and or control regardless of ethnicity. As seen in this movie, people who seemingly envy another ethnicity forcibly take those desirable traits meanwhile the victim is lulled into a hole of fear while they're systematically taken over and used as needed. The horror comes in that in short glimpses of freedom the host can only mutter or show their sorrow in a helpless situation as they watch on from the pits of despair. Arguably this is very realistic in real life today as in Black America has become a subject of a witch hunt. The Black man and woman are seen as dangerous and only necessary for entertainment or labor. Subject to social experiments they are only seen as tools of society and not members in that from slavery till modern day 2017 killings and shootings of black men and women by establishments go unpunished and or unheard often with valid excuses to exonerate their oppressors from any legal repercussions as a whole. However the hatred isn't a push to remove them from society but however to keep them in fear and subject to rule due to envy. We all know idivudals that hated other individuals for no other fact that they wish they had something the other individual had. What is seen here is that though envied for certain traits worth taking over their bodies for a bottom line hatred is seen for non other than inferiority due to envy. The son remarks in this movie. " Man with your genes you could be a beast so strong &...." yet hates the Main Antagonist Chris at the same time. Little known to him he is being auctioned off while quietly hypnotized and sedated by the front of love and manipulation. As so is seen in society today where all lives matter is preached however in practice Black lives are excluded from the phrase "All Lives Matter"  Even though from celebrities to show host the Black culture has been adopted and even rigorous surgeries are underwent by white female celebrities such as the Kardashins to have more black features... Their Black counterparts are only loved for what they represent and the benefits and profit their culture brings and never loved as equal humans. The old age adage goes everyone loves being black until its time to be black. A variety of things can be spoken on this but im more interested to see what you as an individual gather from the movie before a second post is made tackling all the key issues presented in the movie.

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