Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A good heart is worth Its wellness in deeds

A homeless man stood on the street and begged for money. Everybody walked by him even though they all had money. A poor man who had nothing but a 5 dollar bill to his name left out to go buy his only meal of the day. He saw the homeless man sitting there and he was touched to give him all he had. The man turned around and went home thinking himself foolish and now he would starve.The homeless man who had received the five got up and began to walk. He walked to an alley where no once could see him. In that instant he stripped himself and revealed he had wings and shone bright as a star. He flew up into the sky with the mans 5 dollars. He presented it at heavens gate and said ive done what you ordered. Instantly that 5 was taken and multiplied a million times at heavens doors. As the man slept a voice came to him and spoke a series of numbers. He woke up hungry and upset ignoring his dream because his stomach was empty  He headed out in the street with plans to rob and steal because he was in need. However he could not bring himself to steal. As he came back home he walked by the spot he seen the homeless man sitting the day before and thought to himself what a foolish thing i did. "The homeless man i helped yesterday is gone and probably full while i sit here and starve". However his attention was drawn to a dollar he noticed laying in the spot the homeless man had been begging. He picked up the dollar and noticed on it a series of numbers that he recalled to be that of which he had heard in his dream. Something came over him and he picked up the dollar and began to walk. As he walked he knew not where he was going but found himself in front of a gas station. He thought yes perhaps i should buy something to eat or drink. However he lost all appetite for food and water the instant he stepped in. He was then approached by the same homeless man he saw the day before and he asked "what did you do with the five dollars i gave you" of which the homeless man replied, "i used it to pay you. The man was confused and thought this man must be mad. The homeless man then again asked, "sir if you could may i have that dollar im in need of drink?" The man though his heart foolish because he couldn't deny the man his request so he gave him the dollar. The man left out of the gas station thinking indeed i am a fool I will starve once again because i am a man of sympathy. When he seen the man leave the homeless man purchased a lottery ticket with the same numbers he had seen on the dollar. As soon as he did the numbers on the dollar disappeared and the clerk took it. The man went home to find something attached to his door. It was an envelope. He went inside and opened it a small paper fell to the ground of which he ignored and he began to read the letter. It was an eviction notice giving him till the morning to move out. He became distraught and angry and all at once saddened thinking why? In his frustration he forgot about the small paper that feel and decided to go to sleep and enjoy his last night being in a warm home. As he slept he  had a dream and saw the homeless man he came up to him and asked why must you harass me in life and in sleep it is because of you that i have nothing. The homeless man replied why must you give every time i ask it is because of you that i have everything. The homeless man gave the man a paper in his dream and the man woke up immediately  As soon as he got up he realized it was morning and there was a loud banging at his door. Walking to the door he noticed the small paper that fell from the envelope something made him pick it up and pocket it without thinking. When he reached the door his landlord was there and as promised he was evicted. The man cared not to even take his belongings he simply left and went on his way. He then walked by the same gas station from the previous day and noticed the homeless man sitting in front of it he went and sat next to him and said i am a fool now i am like you without home and always begging you harass me in my sleep and in reality. The homeless man  said  "do i? well you know not who i am or where i come but i promise you today you will be payed your hearts ransom". The homeless man then pulled out a dollar and gave it to the man he said "take this and go buy a drink friend" The man went inside and pulled out the dollar to and took a drink from the shelf as he gave the dollar he also noticed the paper in his pocket and pulled it out. It was a lottery ticket. The Lady at the desk said "do you want me to scan that?" He thought what do i have to lose and he gave it over. Long story short the ticket was a winner. Instantly all his dreams and everything the homeless man had previously said made sense. He went outside to ask where the man had came from only to find him no longer there. However instead lay a dollar bill and on it was circled In God We Trust.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


                                           Some friends envy you with a smile and a helping hand
                                                      But in spirit seek to kill you everyday

Monday, March 11, 2013


what scares most people about progress is the fear of letting go of what you initially thought you wanted to attain what you need.

Africa My Love



                                      You don't know me yet you speak on me as you do
                      You don't know  me yet you speak on me as though you sent me into the womb
             You know me not yet with words, actions and judgement seek to create my tomb
           Through the mistakes you seek to justify your sins and avert attention from your inner pain
                                                           so clearly shown
                    Yet I smile and overcome for my open convictions have birthed me anew
                                  Through your judgement of my person your guilt has been shown
                                       You don't know me but you've made yourself know


                                                    Woke up This morning
                                                     The sun was shinning
                                         I was a poet in the moment so i underlined it
                                        Got to rapping over a track but i couldn't describe it
                                                       Let me describe it
                                               Its like everything makes sense
                                      But trying to find the words to why it makes sense
                                                  Doesn't make any sense
                                       Im in need of money guess i don't make any cents
                                            Im still happy and it doesn't make sense
                                                       So i got to rhyming
                                                      Woke up this morning
                                            seen the moon instead from my room i said
                                                     seen all the negatives in life
                                                     heard 2 birds singing at night
                                                            The beauty of life
                                            Even in darkness there's beauty in sight
                                            what i heard through my ears made it clearer than sight
                               a song worth singing's worth singing regardless of the time its sung in
                                                     and that's when it sunk in
                                     No longer a slave to the traps that are set by life
                                                  Whether its dark or bright
                                               If you truly will it it can be sunny at night
                                                      Woke up This morning
                                                       The sun was shinning
                                         I was a poet in the moment so i underlined it
                                        Got to rapping over a track but i couldnt deny it
                                                              So i described it



                                  Talents handed in a sense that everything we cant do
                                                or everything we know we can do
                                                           we often overlook
                                    Write your whole life in the pages called today
                                                     be the author of your own book
                            Isn't it insane how they call us insane because we don't complain
                                                In the moments when life gets us down
                                                    With or with no one around
                                           Congratulate those who remain the same
                              Conformity is a killer but don't conform to the anti conformist
                                        negativity is a deceiver it serves to only prolong us
                                                          Be you simple but true
                                                                    Be You